So my practical training didn't start exactly as I wanted it to. First day went fine, obviously the whole experience was entirely new to me as I hadn't worked with kids before. Kids sure do bring their own challenges to healthcare. I learned a lot during my first day and I am surely going to learn more and more every day I'm there. I was supposed to work yesterday on Valentine's Day but I wasn't able to as I woke up with a fever and crazy flu. I went to the store and got myself some medicine, feel a little better today. My next shift is on Friday night so hopefully I will be okay to work by then. That's the thing about healthcare though, there's no going to work if you are sick so that you wont get others ill. Not a whole lot to talk about this time I'm afraid. I have been keeping to my bed sleeping and watching movies like 18 hrs a day. My nose is red and irritated from all the sneezing. Feels bad.
Hope I will have some better news and more stories for you all next time!
Mikko Chwydu
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